We’re a company of
talented engineers & mechanics

We are one of the leading auto repair companies.

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High-quality service
with a solid guarantee

Our team uses the most advanced diagnostic tools on the market, and if can identify the problem, we can fix it.

learn more
Recomand ! De cand am mașina Turbo Sprint s-a ocupat de orice problema a apărut! Sunt mulțumită de calitatea serviciilor și promptitudinea cu care au răspuns!
Turbosuflanta mi-a fost recondiționata de 1 an și merge excelent! Astăzi i-am vizitat pentru schimbul de ulei in cutia de viteza .
Cu Turbo Sprint nu îți faci griji ei se ocupa de diagnostic, comandarea pieselor și remedierea problemei !

Ligia Muntean

Years on the
Super Professional Mechanics
Absolutely Satisfied Clients
Unique Custom Projects

Company's Services Overview

We are one of the leading auto repair companies.

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What Clients Say

We are always happy to hear your honest opinion about our service and the experience that you get at our shop!

Recomand cu drag! Super profesioniști. Timpul de execuție foarte scurt. Nu pleci niciodată cu problema nerezolvata. Am 5 ani de când merg Turbo Sprint si sunt foarte mulțumit. Big like!

Răzvan Şoldan

Recomand Turbo Sprint ! Seriozitate , Promtitudinte , Incredere . Orice problema ai avea se rezolva in timp util doar cu o programare . Turbosuflanta a fost reconditionata iar grija de a avea o problema in viitorul apropiat a disparut !

Jeler Maria

❗️Recomand cu încredere Turbo Sprint 💯
💯Firma și oameni serioși ‼️

Zoltan Vincze

Your Go-to Place for Professional
Repair Services

We are one of the leading auto repair companies.

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We practice innovative
methods of car repair
and tuning

This means that we have new equipment for any type of examination, repair and customization service.

More about Us

Our Latest News

We post the latest news and updates from the world of cars, trucks, and accessories weekly. Stay tuned!

TurboSprint.ro  All Rights Reserved.

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Available Appointments on January 14, 2025

  7:00 am – 7:30 am1 space available
  7:30 am – 8:00 am1 space available
  8:00 am – 8:30 am1 space available
  8:30 am – 9:00 am1 space available
  9:00 am – 9:30 am1 space available